Paris testa micro-ônibus sem motorista

People watch a French capital's transport authority RATP electric-powered driverless EZ10 minibus, able to carry up to 12 passengers, carrying out its first test on the banks of the river Seine unde rthe Pont-Neuf bridge on September 24, 2016 in Paris. The RATP carries out its first test of a driverless minibus, in the hope that regular routes for the hi-tech vehicles will be up and running within two years. One of the self-driving shuttle buses, made by French hi-tech firm Easymile, run today along a special circuit in Paris on a pedestrianised street near the River Seine. / AFP / ERIC FEFERBERG Foto: People watch a French capital's transport authority RATP electric-powered driverless EZ10 minibus, able to carry up to 12 passengers, carrying out its first test on the banks of the river Seine unde rthe Pont-Neuf bridge on September 24, 2016 in Paris. The RATP carries out its first test of a driverless minibus, in the hope that regular routes for the hi-tech vehicles will be up and running within two years. One of the self-driving shuttle buses, made by French hi-tech firm Easymile, run today along a special circuit in Paris on a pedestrianised street near the River Seine. / AFP / ERIC FEFERBERG

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Paris testa micro-ônibus sem motorista

Letícia Saturnino
Publicado em 24/09/2016 às 13:10
People watch a French capital's transport authority RATP electric-powered driverless EZ10 minibus, able to carry up to 12 passengers, carrying out its first test on the banks of the river Seine unde rthe Pont-Neuf bridge on September 24, 2016 in Paris. The RATP carries out its first test of a driverless minibus, in the hope that regular routes for the hi-tech vehicles will be up and running within two years. One of the self-driving shuttle buses, made by French hi-tech firm Easymile, run today along a special circuit in Paris on a pedestrianised street near the River Seine. / AFP / ERIC FEFERBERG Foto: People watch a French capital's transport authority RATP electric-powered driverless EZ10 minibus, able to carry up to 12 passengers, carrying out its first test on the banks of the river Seine unde rthe Pont-Neuf bridge on September 24, 2016 in Paris. The RATP carries out its first test of a driverless minibus, in the hope that regular routes for the hi-tech vehicles will be up and running within two years. One of the self-driving shuttle buses, made by French hi-tech firm Easymile, run today along a special circuit in Paris on a pedestrianised street near the River Seine. / AFP / ERIC FEFERBERG


A Administração de Transportes Parisienses (RATP) realizou neste sábado a primeira demonstração de um micro-ônibus elétrico sem motorista, revelando seu interesse pela moda dos transportes autônomos e ecológicos.

Compacto e quadrado, o veículo branco percorreu durante toda a tarde (horário local) um circuito de centenas de metros às margens do Sena, sob o olhar curioso dos pedestres.

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Sem volante e espaço para motorista, o micro-ônibus EZ10, da fabricante francesa Easymile, dispõe de espaço suficiente para transportar uma dúzia de passageiros de pé. O veículo circula a 25 km/h e já foi testado em circuitos fechados em Holanda, Japão, Cingapura e no estado americano da Califórnia. Na Finlândia, foi testado em estradas.

Graças à tecnologia, ele adapta sua velocidade ao entorno e pode parar totalmente para a segurança dos pedestres e passageiros, segundo a empresa. Antes da capital francesa, a cidade de Lyon testou em setembro seu próprio serviço de micro-ônibus sem motorista. Dois veículos Arma, da empresa francesa Navya, testados na Suíça, cobrem um trajeto de 1,3km em um novo bairro da cidade.

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